Healthy lifestyle concept with dancing active people.

About one-third of our population lives with chronic pain. There is hope and there are effective treatments to help people live fuller and richer lives in spite of their discomfort.

Here is a link to video on prevention that was produced by the University of Arkansas. Don and I talk about addiction and recovery.

I completed certification through Stanford University as an instructor in their single-session pain treatment model, Empowered Relief.

I have recorded a podcast on Mental Health News Radio Network. The topic was the behavioral treatment of chronic pain. Here’s an article about helping marriage and family therapists understand pain better. In this article, Don Teater (my husband, a pain and addiction doctor) wrote about his journey to helping those who suffer.

Training professionals on the behavioral treatment of chronic pain is incredibly rewarding. I’m helping train behavioral health professionals all across the U.S. in the evidence-based approaches to treating pain effectively. This   is being done in response to the devastating problems many people are facing related to opioids and chronic pain. These issues are impacting individuals and families and ripping through communities. CDC guidelines suggest that a behavioral approach to chronic pain is more beneficial and less damaging than prescribing  opioid medications.

I’ve developed a training that equips clinicians with what they need to treat chronic pain effectively. This behavioral approach includes CBT and mindfulness and has a solid evidence base. After one day of training, professionals will know how to treat people with chronic pain to reduce their suffering and that of their families.

Having skill and expertise in this area positions behavioral health professionals, PT’s, and OT’s to receive a steady stream of referrals from healthcare professionals.

I am happy to talk with you about providing training for your agency, institution, or professional group. I collaborate with Teater Health Solutions to provide medical and behavioral health training in this area. That fine organization is headed up by Don Teater (yes, we’re married). He is a family doctor working in mental health and addictions, and is the former National Safety Council medical advisor in charge of their opioid initiatives. We offer comprehensive training to enhance the ability of communities to be healthier and safer places in which to live.

Here are links to a couple of fascinating papers on the subject: Evidence for the Efficacy of Pain Medication  and The Psychological and Physical Side Effects of Pain Medications.

Links: Teater Health Solutions

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