At the American Psychiatric Association conference in San Francisco with the editor of the DSM-5, David Kupfer, MD
DSM-5 Training and Consultation
The DSM-5 and DSM-5-TR (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-5th edition and text-revision) are the tools used for mental health diagnosis. These books reflects significant changes in how we diagnose mental health challenges that people have. Over the past few years I have done dozens of workshops and have trained thousands of clinicians on the changes reflected in the manual.
Here’s an article I wrote on the changes that came with the new DSM-5. Scroll down to the Winter 2014 issue, and the story will be on pages 7-10.
Agencies and Institutions
As you think about the effective use of the DSM-5, you’ll want to your staff to become proficient in using it in assessment. Having skilled clinicians will keep your agency in the best position to respond to the needs of those you serve.
I am eager to talk with you about the specific training that will benefit your workplace. We can tailor a program that will meet the needs of your staff. There are many creative options to deliver programming that will help your staff serve as sharp and skilled diagnosticians.
If you are looking for on site training and consultation, please contact me. I am available to provide services in all 50 states and internationally.
Professional Organizations
DSM-5 training is available to groups of social workers, counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses, marriage and family therapists, and many other disciplines who diagnose people. Providing up to date training for your group of helping professionals is a good way to assure that you are using evidence-based tools to diagnose.
Presentation Style
I love doing trainings, and enjoy making them interactive, engaging, and fun for the participants. DSM-5 training does NOT have to be boring!
Contact Me
You can reach me in several ways:
* Fill out the contact form on this page
* Email me at [email protected]
* Call me at 828-734-6212